Keeping skin care safe for little ones

Keeping skin care safe for little ones

Amid the multiple diaper changes and feedings, sleepless nights and other worries, it’s easy to see why parents of little ones don’t have time to research and analyze skincare products. Some parents choose the same discount store and drugstore products their parents...
Do more with less

Do more with less

Is "simplify" one of your resolutions this year?If you'd like to use fewer products (and fewer chemicals), reduce the hassle, lower your cost and be greener, here's an easy daily skin care routine: Start off the day by dry brushing the skin in...
How well is your skin care routine working?

How well is your skin care routine working?

How long have you been loyal to your skin care regimen? Is it time to change it up?Researchers at the University of Bath and Qatar University found that women were more loyal to beauty products and treatments when they didn’t work than when they did.In 2007...
A New Year’s wish for you

A New Year’s wish for you

Even if you’re not a believer in New Year’s resolutions, do yourself the favor of setting a positive intention for the coming months:I will be comfortable in my own skin.By “my own skin,” you may mean your physical self, your body, or you may...

Give yourself permission to be healthy

By this time every year, many of us have resigned ourselves to letting our good eating, sleeping and exercise intentions slip away until the new year begins. The reason it happens is almost always because we put others first. In the whirlwind of Thanksgiving, holiday...

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