Success Stories
Miracle Skin Renew

After fighting a nasty rash around my eyes for a year, this oil has taken it away! I do not want to be without this “Miracle” and am going to order more so I don’t run out!! Using cortisone is scary and the rash will only return, as that drug just pushes it in for a while. After trying all sorts of natural products like avocado oil, coconut oil, etc, I am so thankful for this special little product which lasts and lasts! – Linda G.

My sisters bed sores are almost healed after only 2 days of use. They sit with her 24 hrs. a day and are putting the serum on each time they get her up day & night. Now we are using it on her leg that swelled and the skin actually burst. After only one days use, the scab is beginning to fall away and pink skin is underneath. This is truly a miracle!! – E. Martin, Cincinnati, OH

I am balding and my scalp gets really dry and itchy from the sun and other elements. Since I have been using Miracle Skin Renew, the condition is gone. – Mike W, Dallas, TX

I was giving myself a pedicure and accidentally nicked the skin on one of my toes. It hurt a lot and was bleeding. I washed it and put a drop of Miracle Skin on the cut. THE NEXT MORNING it was completely healed. I honestly couldn’t even see where the injury had been. Usually cuts like that turn into scabs before healing and take awhile. Wow. – Sue Brenner, Santa Monica, CA

I’ve enclosed pictures of my son’s neck, he burned it playing on a zipline at a friend’s house. Using Miracle Skin Renew, his injury healed in 5 days…just in time for school to start. Thanks for a great product! – Nicole D, Boise, ID

I am so glad I found your Miracle Skin Renew. I have had eczema on two of my fingers and since I have been applying your serum, it has really improved. After a few days, it’s almost gone! – C. Mandich, San Jose, CA

My husband had been fighting an eye infection for months that is caused by plugged tear ducts. His eye was very red and swollen, worse than I’d ever seen it. I had him try your Miracle Skin Renew Serum and it looked better after the first day. I just know it works better than all the medications the doctor gave him to take. – Vickie H, The Villages, FL

Miracle Skin Renew is the perfect product, I have it in every bathroom (and diaper bag, too). I use it as my undereye night treatment and it has reduced my redness significantly in just a few weeks. I use it on my cuticles from the dry winter air. And, most importantly, I use it on my kids. Since its all natural, I can use it when my son’s fingernail cuts his face and not worry about him digesting chemicals. Great product!! – T. Tanner, Greater Boston area
Fresh Skin Rx

Fresh Skin Rx has been a miracle for me for my psoriasis. I would be in pain without it. It is the only thing that worked for me. Rxs didn’t help. But your product keeps my skin completely healthy. Thank you! – Stephanie T, Lakeland, FL

I have HORRIBLE eczema on my hands — blisters, redness, bleeding, itching, burning — and nothing has really worked. Sometimes I can’t pick up my son because of the pain. Then my mom gave me Fresh Skin Rx eczema, rash & anti-itch creme. I put it on three times yesterday and once before bed — and I awoke to COMPLETELY different hands! ALL redness is gone and the scrapes and marks are 100 times better! This cream is the definition of AMAZING and the price is superb! Heaven in a jar. If I could tell the world I would. THANK YOU! – Kayla O (via Facebook)

Props to you Body Verde, and your Fresh Skin Rx. My son uses a transdermal medicine patch and had been suffering from an “adhesive rash”. We put this on before bed and it’s gone (and I mean totally gone) in the AM. – Kim T, Flemington, NJ

Your products really work, thank you. My heels have been cracked from wearing sandals all summer and in just a few days of use of Fresh Skin Rx they have begun to heal for the first time in years!! – Neil B, Boise ID

My son had dermatitis caused by chemicals in the disinfectant used to wipe tables at his job. We used your Fresh Skin multiple times a day and at night he put socks over his hands with Fresh Skin on his hand. I am sending pictures of his hands before and after. In less than two weeks his fingers were healed. Prior to Fresh Skin we used a steroid cream for over 2 weeks that didn’t work at all and isn’t good for his skin either. Thank you for your wonderfully effective and natural product. – Connor D, MN

I love this cream. Nothing and I mean NOTHING would help the flare-ups I’ve had on my legs for months, that would even get infected from scratching. The first application calmed the itching. About 3 weeks later, they have faded to almost nothing, and the itching and infections are gone! – Terey D

Thank you for your outstanding product! It’s brought me blessed relief after 7 months of battling a persistent skin infection on my shins. Hip hip hooray! – Suzanne V

I’ve had dermatitis on my face for years, I could never get rid of the tiny bumps on my cheeks for very long. I was on steroid cream for years and I didn’t feel good about using it so often. But I found your product in a catalog and I want to thank you. I used Fresh Skin Rx for about 2 weeks straight and started noticing a difference. I don’t want to be without it!! – Michelle P, Sandy UT

I have been using your overnight cream & Fresh Skin Rx & miracle skin renew for some time now. The miracle skin renew is great. I get these splits on my thumbs near the nail & this product works great! The fresh skin Rx works good. I use it on my face where I have age spots or skin blemishes due to age (I’M 64) and it fades them while I’m using the cream. The overnight cream I like very much. It does make my face feel smoother; and the ladies like that. I just wanted to say thank you for making such great products. – Bill, St. George, UT

I’m writing to tell you how grateful I am for your Fresh Skin Rx. This photo was made in September after many dermatologist visits. It only healed after using your Fresh Skin RX. I can’t thank you enough for such a great product. – Linda M, Elkton, KY

My son has very bad dry skin. I have tried many Rx and OTC creams for him. I figured when I bought Fresh Skin Rx I would just add it to the pile of what doesn’t work. I was so wrong. This product is great!! It worked!! My son’s skin is great, not all dry and cracked like past years. You must buy this cream!!! – Lisa, Central Jersey
Speed Shave

Just wanted to let you know I have just ordered 2 speed shaves for my husband . After trying it, he is hooked and won’t use anything else now! He loves that you only need one product , it so convenient to use and leaves his skin soft and moisturised. Thanks for a wonderful product. – M.P. London, UK

I love your product Speed Shave. As a busy Mom, I don’t always have time to shave in the shower. Speed Shave allows me to shave when I have time, without any irritation. Thanks! – Tracey H, New Hampshire

I started using your Fresh Skin Rx a couple of days ago for the inside of my ear. My doctor told me a couple of years ago that it was eczema (I think) and gave me a prescription for a topical medicine. It helped for a while, but then started coming back and the medicine just won’t get rid of it. So I started using your product and it seems to be working, I can tell a difference already. Just wanted to share that with you. – Connie P, Inverness, FL

I love your Speed Shave. It makes shaving a breeze. It smells so fresh and clean. In fact, I’ve been using it as my daily body moisturizer, too. My husband has recently discovered it and now he uses it to shave every day. – C. Davis, Boise, ID

Works just as it says it does! No need to mess around with the old “sink full of water” and dread of the time shaving takes. Speed Shave made my shave time much quicker in the morning. I just quickly apply it, shave, and occasionally rinse the razor, and DONE. Makes your skin feel very healthy and smooth when you’re finished. The bottle has also lasted impressively as well, making it well worth purchasing. Highly recommended. – Todd T, Merrimack, NH
Ten Hour Tight

Your Ten Hour Tight is fantastic! I was so surprised by the results I am sending you my picture before and after, I was not sure it would work like it says, but it actually does. I use it every day. – M. Ginkowski, Ocala, FL
Overnight Miracle Cream

I wanted to tell you how much I like your Overnight Miracle Cream, my skin gets so dry with the desert air and this has made such a big difference in how my skin feels and looks. Plus I love the lavender smell. – Maria V, Marana, AZ

I bought Overnight Miracle Cream from a catalog and I love it! The lavender smell is so relaxing and my skin feels moist but not sticky. I was never able to use moisturizers because they made me break out, but your product doesn’t do that. Thank you!!! – K. Richardson, Mineola, NY
Pore Tight

I have very large pores and tried many different products. I paid a lot of money for them ($75). Your Pore Tight gave me the same results if not better and I saved money. My face feels like velvet right after I put it on. I even bought one for my Mom since we both have large pores. This is a great product! – Sharon M., Carmel, CA